The latest iPhone, iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus went on sale last week in India. As always, there were several Apple enthusiasts who stood in queues outside the Apple retail stores at midnight to pick the new iPhones. In fact, the craze was such that Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple, took to Twitter to personally thank the fans from India.
For a layman, who is not a power user and not into a lot of gaming or requires powerpuff performance, the iPhone 6S basically is about three things: a new rose gold color, a better camera, and 3D Touch. If your heart is set on the rose gold version of the iPhone, then there is no alternative but to pick the device. While the camera on the iPhone 6s is definitely better than that of the 6, it is not something that you would sweat upon.I If you are coming from an older device, chances are that the cameras on the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus would anyway be an upgrade. Then comes 3D Touch. And if you just want a new iPhone for 3D Touch, then that is a problem that can be solved easily.
The 3D Touch basically is the mimic of Force Touch that Apple introduced with the launch of its Macbook and Apple Watch. It enables users to press long on the display to trigger actions like opening contextually relevant options to take you inside an application on your phone, seeing a preview of your text messages or pictures before you decide to open the message or image and simply use it to change weapons during a gameplay. It is common knowledge that the jailbreaking community has always empowered users to go ahead and make choices that give them a way out of the strict and high walls of the disciplinarian that Apple has been. Initially, Apple was really wary of the jailbreak community and took an active stand against them, but the same has softened a bit off late. This is why the jailbreak community has come up with a solution, that if you are looking to pick the iPhone 6S for just 3D Touch or Live Photos, then they can save a lot of money for you.